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NEBOSH ITC in Oil and Gas in Operational Safety Training and Certification Program, Bandung 24-28 November 2014

This NEBOSH ITC in Oil and Gas in Operational Safety Training and certification program is provided for people from all around the world who work in Oil and Gas and the connected industries. Oil and Gas is a hazardous industry. Managers, supervisors, offshore and onshore workers need specialist skills and know-how to fulfil their health and safety responsibilities. It is also desgined to provided an intellegence skill and underpinning knowledge that enables them to manage operational oil and gas risks efficience and effectively. This program is one of popular safety course in NEBOSH Training series.

This certification program concerns on international standards and management systems, delivers essential tools to the oil and gas industry by creating occupational, health and safety competent workforce which in turns strengthens HSE management. After just one week of training you will be able to implement strategies to effectively manage risks that exist in the Oil and Gas industry.

What will I gain from this qualification?
  • Give you vital understanding to help you perform better in your role
  • Understand the techniques that are useful and practical in your industry, not just theoretical
  • The NEBOSH name is a mark of excellence in the field of health and safety throughout the world
  • Holding a NEBOSH qualification can help you stand out and bring you success and advancement

What will my company gain from this qualification?

  • Keeping people safe from injury and loss of life, it also means protecting valuable assets and avoiding prosecution, litigation and loss of reputation of company
  • Help company achieve international standards and can even help win new business
  • Provide a practical knowledge that brings real value, wherever they operate
  • The qualification focuses on hydrocarbon process safety, so that candidates can effectively discharge workplace health and safety responsibilities both onshore and offshore throughout the world.

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“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” ~ Albert Einstein
“You’re never a loser til you quit trying.” ~ Anonymous


The syllabus of NEBOSH ITC in Oil and Gas Operational Safety consists of one unit. The unit is divided into a number of elements:
ELEMENT 1: Health, Safety and environmental management in context
  • Learning from Incidents
  • Hazards inherent in oil and gas
  • Risk Management Techniques used in the oil and gas industries
  • Safety cases and safety reports
ELEMENT 2: Hydrocarbon process safety 1
  • Contractor management
  • Process Safety Management (PSM)
  • Role and Purpose of a permit-to-work system
  • Key principles of shift handover
  • Plant operations and maintenance
ELEMENT 3: Hydrocarbon process safety 2
  • Failure modes
  • Safety critical equipment controls
  • Safe storage of hydrocarbons
  • Furnace and boiler operations
ELEMENT 4: Fire protection and emergency responset
  • Fire and explosion risk in the oil and gas industries
  • Emergency Response
ELEMENT 5: Logistics and Transport operations
  • Marine Transport
  • Land Transport

Course Fees

The Course fees of NEBOSH ITC in Oil and Gas Operational Safety is US $ 2150,- /delegate and could be transferred to the Handal Consulting & Training account number, and including; lunch, training kit, 2 x Coffee break/day, study book, NEBOSH exam & regristration fees, excluding accommodation, Tax and Bank administration fees.


- Dates: 24 - 28 November 2014
- Venue : Bandung – Indonesia

Accomodation can be organized by Handal Consulting & Training (Due date is 1 month before event)

For further information please contact:
Tel: (62) (021) 39837475 Info 24/7 : (62) (0 21) 70897550
Fax: (62) (021) 398 37477 PIN BB 27F7CD13 or 24F39AE7
Next Coming Up;
Scedule on Year 2014;
  1. 24-28 February 2014, Bandung
  2. 21-24 May 2014, Bali (Running Well) 
  3. 25-29 August 2014, Bali (Running Well)
  4. 27-31 October 2014, Bali
  5. 1- 5 December 2014, Bandung

NEBOSH International General Certificate, Bandung 1-13 Desember 2014

The NEBOSH International General Certificate has been recognized and popular in United Kingdom and become popular and leading training program in the international working atmosphere, is designed specifically for professionals with responsibilities for health and safety who will benefit from an Internationally Recognized Measure of Competence in the field. This training is the one of NEBOSH Training series. The International General Certificate is designed to implement the international recognised health and safety standards, such as ILO 2002, OHSAS 18001 and international best practice in hazards and control.

In this global market era, it’s necessary to provide a common and consistent standard for achieving the health and safety of workers in all parts of the world.  The NEBOSH International General Certificate is dedicated for this standards.

Secure & Enhance your career prospects and also professional development while achieving this highly respected qualification, The Handal Consulting & Training sure that delegates will find this useful training program and also is supported by a nice guide book with a good illustration in working practices.
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I’m not telling you it is going to be easy — I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it” ~ Art Williams ******************************************************************************************************
You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi ********************************************************************************************************************
  • Awarded the NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health. Certification is issued by NEBOSH UK, If achieve and pass a minimum standard in all the examinations and assessment
  • Recognised by the relevant professional membership bodies including the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM) as Associate Member
  • Improve the safety awareness for each employee that involves in operation, production, and management
1. HSE Manager/ Superintendent/ Engineer/ Planner/ Supervisor
2. Project Engineer
3. Process & Manufacturing/ Engineer
4. Production Planner/ Engineer/ PPIC/ Operation Engineer 5. Professionals who need details knowledge in HSE


1. Foundation in health and safety
2. Policy
3. Organising for health and safety
4. Promoting a positive health and safety culture
5. Risk assessment
6. Principles of control
7. Monitoring, review and audit
8. Occupational incident and accident investigation, recording and reporting

1. Movement of people and vehicles-hazards control
2. Manual and mechanical handling-hazards and control
3. Work equipment-hazards and control
4. Electrical-hazards and control
5. Fire-hazards and control
6. Chemical and biological-health hazards and control
7. Physical and psychological-health hazards and control
8. Contruction activities-hazards and control

The Course fees of NEBOSH International General Certificate is US$ 3150,-/delegate and including; lunch, training kit, 2 x Coffee break/day, 11 days tutorials, 1 day examination, A Study Book with a nice illustration , NEBOSH Examination fee & registration, excludingaccommodation and Tax.

DATES: 1 – 13 December 2014
TIME : 8.00 am – 5.00 pm
VENUE : Bandung

Accomudation can be organized by Handal Consulting & Training (Due date is 1 month before event)
For further information please contact: Tel: (62) (021) 39837475 Info 24/7 : (62) (0 21) 70897550 Fax: (62) (021) 398 37477 PIN BB 27F7CD13 or 24F39AE7
Next Coming Up; Schedule on Year 2014
  1. 21 April-03 May 2014, Bali 
  2. 1-12 September 2014, Bali (Running Well)
  3. 1 – 13 December 2014, Bandung

Not to be missed, so make sure you’re part of it

NEBOSH IGC-Sept’ Session 2012 in Bandung
NEBOSH IGC, July Session 2012 in Bali
NEBOSH IGC, November Session 2011 in Bali
NEBOSH IGC, July Session 2011 in Hilton-Bandung

NEBOSH IGC, April Session 2011 in Mahakam-Jakarta
NEBOSH – IGC, October Session 2010, Hyatt-Bandung
NEBOSH IGC, June Session 2010 Sheraton-Bandung
NEBOSH IGC, March Session 2010 in Bali